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WHAT IS GASLIGHTING? The term originates in the systematic psychological manipulation of a victim by her husband in Patrick Hamilton’s...

My Fix For CHAZ...

Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, now becoming CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized/Occupied Protest) out of a hope to avoid military action against...

Coronavirus Update

So...LA currently has a 1.7% mortality rate. Understand, that is the percentage of all deaths compared to all “known” cases. I don’t go...

Christians and Voting

​Paul properly used the government to spread the gospel when he appealed to Caesar as a Roman citizen. Romans 13:6-7, when properly...


OK - Let's air some dirty laundry that won't get any Mainstream Media (MSM) time. In 2016, in order to ensure that Bernie Sanders didn't...

What About Voter ID?

As we move closer to the Primaries and then the General Election in November, one argument keeps coming to the surface - the Voter ID. ...


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